I could ruminate on past mistakes

On when the train derailed; and when I should have

Looked to the sun

Instead of the skies’ endless gaol;

But future me will be posturing with fits of righteous rage

“Look there! She hit the speed bump

And slowed down only enough to keep chase.”

I thought about you again

As I will over and over;

I swore never to forget

And I am willing to suffer if yet

Every memory, every photo of your tired eyes

Full of joy and love and not enough time

Could somehow return you to me.

Beside your small visits in my dreams.

You went to sleep in my arms only yesterday

Or that is how raw

Is the grief.

Thank you for loving me all your life. I wish now to honor you with mine.


Stirring shivers burden me, coverlets


I sink my teeth in foolish threads, in

Ropes that hold all dying men;

Certain to loathe the choices now,

Overwhelmed by regrets I have not yet brought about;

But I feel them coming and nod them by,

I give them permission to disrupt my life;

What kind of repetition would this be?

If I let the same circumstances take hold of me?

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, such a ‘love’ would be disease